Just Another Reflection

August 12th, on Lion Air flight to Jakarta from Singapore

First, Alhamdulillah, we got some good and professional government official. It has to be strengthened.

Second, there are around 31 million Indonesian live under USD 1.5 a day. All of parents in that 31 mio people always hope and dream that their children and edscents could live a better life. One key thing to achieve that, if not the one and only, is education. That’s why our main job is to provide a good quality but at the same time accessible to most of Indonesian. Several potential saving available is that through:

1) Making sure that government procurement, at leaat in ministrry of education, are as efficient as possible. There many cases, reports, and facts shown many leak in this procurement. Could we imagine if the corrupted money is used to build more school or library?

2) The ‘stay in luxurious hotel” tradition of government official has to be erased. If we can’t deliver this country’s promises to most of its citizen, that is to lift up their living standard, then why we (government official) live extravagantly?

One key thing that I always aspire in this country is that if only we have a good library. I’m so keen to see how Indonesia’s libraries are more crowded that shopping mall as it is today. Then, we’ve got to start to build an amazing library, put more books, provide internet access, etc. I believe, reading, or education in broad sense, is the key to get out from poverty.

Last point that I want to address quickly is how we need a more affordable and widely available higher education. We, of course, never intend to let our country become a resource based economy country, instead of knowledge based, that’s why, again, education should be a higher priority.

4 thoughts on “Just Another Reflection

  1. menurut saya, ada faktor lain juga kak. kebanyakan mindset orang Indonesia menganggap perpustakaan tidak memberi peranan/pengaruh terlalu besar dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari, dan juga masih sedikit orang yang telah merasakan efek perpustakaan itu sendiri. padahal menurut saya, sekarang ini Indonesia sudah punya cukup perpustakaan, mulai dari yang sederhana hingga yang termewah sekalipun. Mungkin pihak perpustakaan juga perlu melakukan publikasi terhadap masyarakat untuk membuka mata banyak orang… just my opinion, CMIIW 🙂

    • Ya Aini, thanks for the comment. We’ve got to try harder to make more people interested in books and library. About the size, when we look at libraries overseas, especially in developed country, we’ll be amazed how amazing they are, not only the physical appearance, but also the system =) Again, I believe we have resources to have that also, like minimizing the leaked budget.

  2. Ka Ruli, bahasa Inggrisnya bagus banget. Ada tips2 ngga how to learn english autodidact? Ka Rully sangat menginspirasi 🙂 jawab secara spesifik yaa! Makasiih 😀

    • Thanks, I’m still learning. Here are what I’ve done so far, maybe you can try it too,,

      1. Usahakan selalu menggunakan text boks bahasa inggris, dan perbanyak baca
      2. Untuk membiasakan lidah dan mulut, baca tulisan dalam bahasa inggris dengan suara keras, usahakan lakukan beberapa menit tiap hari, insyaallah akan lebih fleksibel dalam berbicara
      3. Perbanyak mendengarkan mp3 siaran radio, saya mendownload mp3 dari radio autralia tiap pekan dan sering mendengarkannya. Ini link nya:


      4. Usahakan perbanyak praktek dengan teman ataupun dalam ruangan kelas
      5. Lastly, yang terpenting, perbanyak do’a pada Allah,, disamping memang Allah yang bisa membuat sesuatu menjadi kenyataan, berdo’a akan memberi sugesti akan keberhasilan kita.

      That’s it. Smg dimudahkan Allah,, =)


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